Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Travel in Mlang, North Cotabato


Mlang, North Cotabato

       I went there when i was in 4th yr high School. we attended a competition. it is my first time to go in that place especially on the national high school and to their municipal plaza. i only saw mlang while we went to Tacurong but we dont stop and stroll in that place.
      I didn't forget that event because my mother only gave me 100 pesos for 3 days stay in that place,, wooohh how can i budget it for my meals for 3 days, i'm thankful because the trip was in USM so i can see my father and ask for some money and then i really saw him.. thanks God..
      I enjoy our trip, not to the place we go but on the ride we had... We ride in a dumtruck and every stop we were all throw in front and everybody were down in the floor of dumtruck.. as a high school student we enjoy it because, it is the time that we make laugh and mingle with other students..

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